
Grandsons and Gardening

Friday, July 15, 2011

First Friday Off - 4 10's and Free day off.

Well, it's noon on my first free Friday off.  I have done my homework (yes I'm a 53 year old college student) and am trying to get caught up 3 days without internet access at home is a terrible thing.  2 days without television was even worse compounded by no internet compounded by the fact I am out of tequila and no way to make Deann - O - Rita's you see where this is going right?  Downhill fast.  But I digress, back to my first free Friday off.  It's not free, I put in 10.5 hours in on Mon, Tues, 13 hours on Wednesday and 10.5 hours on Thurs.  If my Kansas math serves me correctly that's 44.5 hours!  I actually saved 5.5 hours this week by being off on Friday.

Wait, I'm losing track, I've been to town to help a friend out.  I was amazed at what I witnessed.  A business owner called my friend a liar and stupid.  Can you say no more business from me or about 100 of my closest acquaintances?  that's a blog for another day Popular Forest Nursery, more later.

I dropped off my crack tiller to be fixed. Richard my husband, named my baby tiller the crack tiller, when it runs it sounds awful but does the job.  I gave up on it and bought an 18" rear drive Troy Bilt Tiller, that thing rocks, I can run it with one hand, it starts the first time every time and runs like a dream, however, Lowes, sucks and cannot put one together correctly but that's another blog for another day.

I came back home, went to the garden tied up tomatoes, picked tomatoes, picked cukes, checked the big top to make sure it was secure, stopped at the little garden and repeated the process.  See Pictures of my "big tops"  it keeps the plants cool.  My husband thinks I'm crazy but it works.

I know they look somewhat "rednecky" (is that a word?).  But it honestly keeps the plants cool and protects them from the 90 - 100 degree temps we have been having lately here in Virginia

I have a dentist appointment at 2:00 I guess the day has been pretty boring so far, but I'm enjoying every minute of it.  I hear my work crackberry dinging like crazy with new emails and haven't checked it once.  It's a good day.

Oh I started a batch of pickles (sweet) page 334 Sweet Crisp Pickles from the Ball complete book of Home Preserving  Pictures later, they have to soak for 12 hours in Pickle Crisp .  I wonder if my mom and grandmother would have canned more if they would have access to a website like Ball Canning?

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